What's that in the large metal container, you say?
That, my friends, is a giant squid.
Observe the label on the tub. I really hope you can read the size specifications on the bottom of the sticker. But in case you can't, the squid is 25 feet long.
Sorry to report I haven't got a picture of what's inside the squid box as I'm told it's the worst smell you've ever smelled to crack that thing open. So, hopefully another day...
Many good finds were found this week in museum land. We found the paleontology sections....
And yes, that is a dinosaur. While wandering around this wing we bumped into a friendly scientist. We asked her, "Is there are room where they keep... big bones?" and she smiled politely and said "Yes. It's called The Big Bone Room. Only two people in the museum have access to this room. But one of which is a very pleasant fellow who loves to give people tours." And we now have a tour date set to see the Big dinosaur bone room an July 9th.
We were also taken up to a really amazing old fashioned library in the ceiling of the fifth floor. It's all that's left of the old library that used to span the entire ceiling of the fifth floor. It has glass tiles that you can see through as floor tiles.
We were led to an old iron staircase by the batty librarian who shepards what's left of the wayward old library. You'll never guess what one keeps in the ceiling of an old library in the ceiling of a museum...
Why, they keep elephant skulls up there, of course! Silly. What else would they possibly keep in the ceiling of a rickety library in a museum aside from elephant skulls??
That's about it. Thought you all would enjoy that...
If you click on a picture it will enlarge in a new window. So you should have no problem reading the squid label. =)
1 koment:
Les crânes d'éléphants sont très alarmants, ne c'est pas? Your little blog is so neato! The elephant skulls are scary, though.
P.S. I just heard about the power outage and worriedly called your phone, but you did not answer. I hope that you are ok! I was afraid that you had gotten stuck on a subway or something.
P.S.P.S. I remembered your birthday, but I just do not trust the postal system enough to send your gift. It is waiting at home for you!
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