This is an odd store we ran across while shopping in Soho this afternoon.
Some pretty buildings and shops along the way..
These are my good friends Steph, Megan, and Kelly. Kelly will be my roommate next schoolyear and is conveniently living in NYC on an internship for the summer as well! Stephanie is a fellow AMNH intern and Megan is her long time friend who lives in Jersey and takes the train up to hang out with us on weekends. We've just been exploring the city all weekend, playing cards, and having a good time.
So the next few pictures are a bit of a tour through the dino halls I walk through every morning to get to my area of the museum.
that is my friend Julie with a big dead fish.
I work just though that door at the end of the hallway and to the right.
This dinosaur is particularly frightening because they gave him fake eyeballs. None of the others have eyeballs.
So I was walking to the bathroom on Friday when I stumbled upon a door labeled "Roof". So naturally Mike and I went up and investigated and the following pictures are a little of what we found...
veiw from the roof of the museum
looking over central park/skyline
That's about it. Just lots of pictures and not much of substance. Sorry, I'm pretty sleepy. A little bit sick of the city. Actually just the really over crowded downtown parts where I've been the last two days. I'm fine in my yuppy uptown sanctuary. I'm just going to take it easy this week and maybe I'll get up the gusto to go downtown and battle the crowds again this weekend.
It's not that people are rude here, per se. It's just a very different culture. What I interperet as rude the majority of people here would veiw as normal. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm still having a blast. Just kind of worn out.
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