I can't remember if I've already explained this... but there are several floors at the museum which are staff only. Space is a very valuable commodity here so they are lined with storage cabinets as far as you can see with all sorts of wonderful things which are not on display. This is a picture with Mike unkowingly in it showcasing the cabinets.
Here is an example of some of the super cool things lining the walls of this place in storage.. I believe this was the Mexican artifact portion of the anthropology wing.
We happened to stumble upon a very peculiar cabinet on our way back to the microscopy lab. Written on an index card and taped to the front was this inviting message...
Fleeing the scene
Knowing the things we've seen in this place I would not be surprised if HOBO was not an acronym and they were actually storing a human specimen.
We also stumbled into the hall of mammalogy and were gawking at all of the skeletons in glass display cabinets being stored up there... there was a taxidermied thylacine in one of the cases. And in case you didn't know, they have been extinct since the early 1900s. The cabinets slowly got stranger until at the end of the hallway human skeletons started to appear in them.. and then at the very end there was a fetal skeleton in a box. At this point we immediatly left the hall of mammology.
We have resolved to find a mummy somewhere in the labarynth of storage.
But I am actually working on research, mind you. I've been training on the Evo SEM. I tried to load a picture onto my flash drive that I took with Evo today but I failed. It was some kind of very tiny bug with lots of little antinae like apendages protruding from all kinds of places. He was aptly dubbed Theodor. He had a last name that slips my mind at the moment, but there are no bounds on his awesomeness. And it was a lovely picture, if I do say so myself. I'm getting the hang of this SEM thing and I'm really enjoying using it! I would like to get really good at it. (And I should mention the bug was practice, I've yet to start with the Allende).
Well, that's about it!
Ahaha! Theodore Moshelheim has arrived! He is the strange bug thing I found on a random stub in the lab today! I love him so.
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